The pay in full without closing feature pays an outstanding note balance, interest balance, and fees/charges (if applicable) to zero, but keeps the line of credit open. To complete a pay down follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Pay link to open the Move Money window
  2. Select the From account from the drop-down list (the Available Dollar Amount will be displayed)
  3. Select the To account from the drop-down list (the Balance amount will be displayed)
  4. Select pay in full without closing from the I want to options
  5. Review the Amount to be paid: Interest + Principal
  6. Enter brief Memo text (if needed)
  7. Click the Transfer button and review the payment details
  8. Click the Make Transfer button to complete the payment and display the payment details
  9. Click Make another transfer to make another transfer or payment, click Print confirmation to print out the payment details, or click Close to close the Move Money window.