To utilize or make changes to your Money Management please follow the steps listed below:
Money Management tips for Online banking
- To manage external accounts showing in Royal online banking click on the HOUSE icon (right top)
- To manage alerts that are being received on external accounts, click on BELL icon (right top) then click on GEAR icon near top of page to turn off. (Edit to adjust alert)
- To hide an external account, click on the account in Money Management then click on 3 dots to hide
- To update EXTERNAL account information/report an issue, click on question mark in the circle(top right) and choose topic for more info. If need be click on blue button with envelope on it that says REQUEST SUPPORT. Send email to Money Management.
- To update personal info or set alerts, click on GEAR icon (top right)
- these are the icons in the upper right hand corner
Money Management tips in mobile/app
- To manage external accounts click on the HOUSE icon at the top of the screen.
- To manage alerts click on the BELL icon at the top of the screen.’
- To hide an external account, click on the account then the 3 dots to hide
- To see options in Money Management click on the 9 dots in the upper left
- To look up FAQ’s click on the question mark in the circle in the upper left hand corner
- To request Support on any issue within Money Management click on the question mark in the circle then scroll down to Contact Support and submit a question via email.
- These icons show across the top of the screen in the app